Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds produced by plants. They are found in different parts of plants, including the seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, fruit and bark of the plants.
These natural compounds serve a variety of purposes and they help the plant to adapt to its ever changing environment, protecting against threats and providing beneficial properties.
There are three ways to use essential oils.
Aromatic - through smell
Place oils a cool mist diffuser or inhale from the palms of your hands or wear as a perfume. They can also be added to jewellery or clothing. DO NOT HEAT ESSENTIAL OILS AS THIS MAY ALTER THEIR CHEMISTRY.
inhaling essential oils supports many body systems, aromatic use of essential oils influences mood very quickly as our sense of smell is connected to regions of the brain that control emotions and hormones.
Topical - on skin
this is a popular way to experience the benefits of the oils, especially when placed on different areas that need support.
apply to specific areas on your body, use for massage and also in products such a lotions and moisturisers. I love and enjoy making my own body butters and scrubs. I have a lovely recipe for a luscious body butter on my blog.
Internal - Ingesting
place a drop under your tongue, in a glass of water or in a veggie cap. Please ensure the oils that you are ingesting are safe to be ingested. ONLY INGEST CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS.
The best essential oils are pure and unadulterated.